Our Local Academy Council
Our Councillors' common goal is to provide the best possible education for every pupil in the school. They are a group of dedicated individuals who give freely of their time and energy to work in partnership with the staff and parents.
" ...We congratulate you on the high quality of governance shown by your governing body, which already looked good in the documentation and was confirmed by the assessment visit. In particular we were impressed with:
The close collaboration between the governors and the senior leadership team in school self-evaluation and strategic planning;
The close knowledge of the school on the part of governors, especially relating to the staffing structure, the quality of teaching, and pupil progress;
Work done by governors with the senior staff on the International Primary Curriculum;
Induction arrangements for new governors including their involvement in school visits;
The high level of trust between the governors and the Head Teacher.... “,
Phil Hand, Governor Mark
LAC Attendance & Declaration of Interests Nightingale Primary School September 2023 to January 2024
Resignations in the last 12 months:
Bob Love, former Chair
C/O Chair of LAC, Nightingale Primary School, Bloomfield Road, Woolwich, London, SE18 7JJ
Maritime Academy Trust Diversity Indicators