Maths at Nightingale
Maths teaching at Nightingale Primary is aimed at giving our children opportunities to develop and apply the goals set forth by the National Curriculum (NC). The three key aims of NC are to help children develop their fluency, problem-solving, and reasoning skills. To achieve these aims, a consistent approach founded in research is required.
Why do we use Maths No Problem?
After the Department for Education reviewed several high-quality textbooks, Maths No Problem was, until recently, the only recommended and approved textbook. However, we ensure our approach avoids the mechanical repetition often associated with textbook learning. Maths No Problem is one component we use to deliver high-quality maths lessons, incorporating sophisticated problems and intelligent practice in every lesson. The NC encourages children to progress through the curriculum simultaneously; however, it expects children to master concepts deeply before moving on. We achieve this by using a methodology that fosters procedural proficiency and conceptual understanding, enabling children to apply both to unfamiliar problem-solving and reasoning situations.
Supplementing the Curriculum with White Rose
While Maths No Problem is central to our approach, we also supplement the curriculum with the White Rose scheme where a greater degree of challenge is required, or further consolidation is necessary. This ensures that children are supported to deepen their understanding or reinforce critical concepts as needed.
Integrating Technology to Support Learning
We use evidence of best practices to support integrating digital platforms like IXL in our teaching. IXL plays a vital role in both guided and independent learning. The platform provides teachers immediate feedback as children progress through each question, allowing for real-time assessment and adjustments. Over the past year, our students have completed over 2 million questions on IXL, significantly enhancing their understanding and engagement during lessons.
Beyond Maths No Problem
Teachers work with senior leaders and the NCETM Maths Mastery Specialist to ensure consistent teaching quality. Alongside our Maths No Problem approach, we build opportunities for all children to stretch their mathematical thinking and mental arithmetic further. Across years 1 to 6, we have been introducing ‘Number Talks’, a focused approach to developing children’s mental arithmetic and confidence by applying a more comprehensive range of strategies.
We also use a range of tools and platforms to develop fluency with numbers, such as:
- Times Tables Rockstars - encouraging engagement and regular practice of times tables
- IXL - used effectively to target maths topics for homework and class lessons
- Hit The Button - an online app/game that develops their times tables and number bonds
No Child Left Behind
We aim to have all our children make progress together and differentiate using a multitude of techniques, not by mathematical content. Whether our teachers use sharp questioning or move from concrete, pictorial and abstract, the aim is the same: no child is left behind. Over the past three years, 93% of our Year 6 pupils reached the national standard in Maths. We ensure all our children are exposed to complex and rich tasks within every concept through precisely selected activities to support them at their learning point.
Finding out more
If you have any questions regarding maths teaching at Nightingale or wish to visit one of our open mornings, please speak to Mr Rogerson, the maths lead, who will endeavour to help.
See an overview of our curriculum map outlining the information above; follow this LINK