Maritime Academy Trust

Maritime is a charitable education trust with schools across London and the South East.

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Welcome to Year 5!

Meet the Staff:
Class Teacher: Emma Venkatachellum
Teaching Assistant: Beenu Shukla

IXL Login: Click here to sign in

Click here to read the Class Newsletter


In English, we are reading Ice Trap!  Shackleton’s Incredible Expedition.
We will be writing a letter to Shackleton asking him to join his team, exploring poetry and writing Soliloquies in the role of Shackleton. Spellings will be set weekly and we will also have a weekly grammar focus in class.


We are learning how to add, subtractand multiply fractions. We will also be learning about decimals and percentages. We will be learning how to turn a fraction into a decimal and we will also be exploring percentages here too.


Our Science topic this term is Forces. Children will be exploring the different types of forces and carrying out experiments. Our focus will be on: Gravity, Friction and Air Resistance. We will also be learning about Sir Isaac Newton.


Mr Wicks teaches Computing to the class on Wednesday afternoons.

Ways you can support your child at home

Ensure that your child is reading their Accelerated Reader book for at least 30 minutes a day.

Practice the spellings sent home each week. Ensure that your child is completing their IXL homework.

Example Timetable






Accelerated Reader Time



PE is every Wednesday. Children should come to school wearing their kits.

Computing is on Wednesdays.

Music is on Wednesdays.

Spanish is on Mondays.