Welcome to Year 6!
Meet the Staff:
Class Teacher: Emma Witham
Teaching Assistant: Chris Purchase
IXL Login: Click here to sign in
Click here to read the Class Newsletter
Reading remains very important and we encourage your child to read their AR books every day. We will be focusing on comprehension skills as well as doing punctuation and grammar practice in preparation for the Sats.
Check Dojo nightly for Homework
Ways you can support your child at home
- Ensure they are reading for a minimum of 20 minutes every day.
- Practise their spellings (weekly). Use Edshed to practice them too.
- IXL skills for English and maths.
Homework notice
Please ensure they complete some of their homework every night.
Key dates for the weekly timetable include:
- PE is on Friday
- Computing is on Wednesday
- Music is on Wednesday
- Singing is on Thursday
In geography we are looking at map skills and orienteering using maps.
Mr Wicks will be teaching the class Computing every Wednesday afternoon.
In DT we will be making our own motorized vehicles.